• No touchy touchy! No need to twist or turn the jewelry in your fresh piercing.

  • It is highly recommended to perform the aftercare before a shower for easier rinsing. Saline Solution should be used once a day. Spray the saline onto the piercing (front and back or top) and let it sit for five minute then rinse thoroughly.

  • No rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial soap, Neosporin/ointments, or oils.

  • Avoid shared bodies of water for the first 6 weeks of healing. Lakes, ocean, jacuzzis, pools (chlorinated/salt).

  • Avoid sleeping on the piercing.

  • Please follow up within 6-8 weeks for a check up and downsize. If applicable downsizing is $15-22 each.

Contact us with any questions!

what is normal



Initially: Bleeding, redness, localized swelling, tenderness and/or bruising.

During Healing: Some discoloration, itching, secretion of a whitish-yellow even greenish sticky discharge (not pus) that will form some crust on the jewelry. The tissue may tighten around the jewelry as it heals.

Once Healed: The jewelry may not move freely in the piercing; DO NOT FORCE IT! If you fail to include cleaning your piercing as part of your daily hygiene routing, normal but smelly bodily secretions may accumulate.

A piercing might seem healed before the healing process is complete. This is because tissue heals from the outside in, and although it feels fine, the interior remains fragile. Be patient, and keep cleaning throughout the entire initial healing period.

Even healed piercings that you had for years can shrink or close in minutes. This varies from person to person; if you like your piercing, leave the jewelry in place.